about 2 years ago, Ethan School
Good Luck to both of these teams tonight on their last regular season game! You've had great season and we hope you continue all the way to State!! Way to work hard!
about 2 years ago, Mary Beyer
Prairie Readers Practice starts March 13th, see image for practice schedule. A notification will be sent out if a scheduled practice has to be changed. It is important the students make it to as many practices as possible. Please have ALL books read before the first scheduled practice. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Miss Timm at Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Ethan School
Tomorrows Game in the Corn Palace against TDA is not Ethan's home game, no season passes will work. Sorry for any inconvenience.
about 2 years ago, Ethan School
Menu Change - Thursday Breakfast Sausage Cheese Muffin Chicken Pot Pie Friday Breakfast Biscuits & Gravy Turkey Sub Sandwiches
about 2 years ago, Mary Beyer
This is a reminder that we will be holding classes on Monday, February 20th. We were originally scheduled to have that day off but will be using it to make up one of our many snow days that we have been forced to take this school year. Also, a reminder that we will also be holding classes on Thursday, May 18th and Friday, May 19th for the same reason. Thank you! Mr. Hawkins
about 2 years ago, Tim Hawkins
The School Board Meeting for tonight is still planned as scheduled at 6:00PM in the Music Room.
about 2 years ago, Mary Beyer
There will be no school today, Wednesday, February 15th. All activities are cancelled. Mr. Hawkins
about 2 years ago, Tim Hawkins
Here are a couple notes for tonight's pep squad performances! 😀 Grades K-2 1. Please wear shorts or athletic pants and tennis shoes. 2. Pep squad shirts and scrunchies or bandanas will be provided and passed out at school on February 14th. Kindergarteners received their shirts and scrunchies/bandanas yesterday. 3. Please meet in Miss Timm’s room at 5:30 tonight. 4. Performers in grades K-2 will get into the game free; however, parents, guardians, or anyone else watching will have to pay the admission fee. 5. Performers will return to parents/guardians after halftime. Grades 3-6 1. Please wear shorts or athletic pants and tennis shoes. 2. Pep squad shirts and scrunchies or bandanas will be provided and passed out at school on February 14th. 4:30 came quickly, and we decided to wait until today. 3. Please meet in the main gym. We will plan to meet on the reserved bleachers at 7:30. Performers in grades 3-6 can sit in the reserved bleachers after grades K-2 leave to practice during the girls’ game. 4. Performers in grades 3-6 will get into the game free; however, parents, guardians, or anyone else watching will have to pay the admission fee. 5. Performers will return to parents/guardians after halftime. THANK YOU! 📣😀
about 2 years ago, Ethan School
Valentine Bake Sale - MONDAY February 13th. School Calendar correction this is Monday, not Tuesday! See image for details!
about 2 years ago, Ethan School
bake sale
THANK YOU for all your incredible support during the book fair! We are so lucky to have such amazing parents and community members. Because of your generosity in the form of monetary donations and books purchased, the teachers will be able to add books from their wish-lists to their classroom libraries! Also, thank you to Amanda Roth from Paperpie books for being willing to travel and work the book fair! We are so appreciative! Thank you for your continued support of Ethan CSO!
about 2 years ago, Mary Beyer
book fair
book fair
February 14th at the basketball game CSO will be serving a Subway Meal! See image for details
about 2 years ago, Ethan School
REMINDER - Kids Heart Challenge is coming up!! Over the next few weeks students will be learning about how to take care of their heart, raising awareness and funds for the American Heart Association. Our school's goal is to have 40 students to complete Finn's Mission. Hands-Only CPR is more relevant now than ever before, just like we’ve seen in the recent NFL news. When you and your student register online to create their page, you can also learn the skills of Hands-Only CPR for FREE at home with your family. Step 1 go to or Visit our school’s Kids Heart Challenge page: Direct School Link OR download the Kids Heart Challenge App for iPhone or Android to search for our school and sign up! 2. Complete Finn’s Mission – this will be your map! Your family will learn the lifesaving skills of Hands-only CPR and the FAST signs of a Stroke. For every $50 of lifesaving donations that students raise, they will earn a Mystery Gift too - It’s a surprise to see what’s inside! Ms. Julie Boerhave a heart survivor herself will be kicking off Our Kids Heart Challenge on March 24th so get a jump start today by Registering your student online! See News Feed for more Details!!
about 2 years ago, Ethan School
heart challenge
This is National School Counselors Week!! We are thankful to have Mrs. Samantha Olson as our school counselor!! Thank you for everything you do here at Ethan School.
about 2 years ago, Ethan School
Congratulations to these winners at the Vocal Contest yesterday all receiving superiors!
about 2 years ago, Ethan School
vocal contest
Good luck at Regions today PEH!!
about 2 years ago, Ethan School
Tonight's game Kimball is having a Chili Cook Off to raise money for FCCLA, see image for details! Go Rustlers!!!
about 2 years ago, Ethan School
Good Luck to the One Act Play participates in their performance today in Sioux Falls!! Congratulations on getting this far!!
about 2 years ago, Ethan School
You’re invited to the annual Davison County Child Protection Team educational expo! Professionals from across the state are coming together to provide information on how our communities can better protect our kids. The topics being presented can be found below. Our keynote speaker is Hollie Strand, a DCI forensic examiner for Internet Crimes Against Children from Pennington County. Hollie will share the dos and don’ts of keeping our youth safe online. This isn’t your typical internet safety presentation! Event is free to the public. You can choose to go to one session or all! Come and go as you please. Drinks & snacks & door prizes!!
about 2 years ago, Ethan School
child protection
Book Fair Time - see image for details!
about 2 years ago, Ethan School
book fair